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lanabla@lanabla.org P.O .Box 335 – 20117, Naivasha


Lake Naivasha Basin Landscape Association -LANABLA

Lake Naivasha Basin Landscape Association (LANABLA) which was founded in 2018 is aimed at promoting and advocating for sustainable management of natural resources in Lake Naivasha Basin. 

The area of focus include: forestry; sustainable agriculture; climate change adaptation and resilience; sustainable livelihoods and their improvement; sustainable development; policy research; advocacy; partnerships and resource development; capacity and organizational development; and renewable energy among others. 




Completed Projects




Running Projects

Specific Objectives
To lobby and advocate for environmental protection and conservation.
To lobby and advocate for environmental protection and conservation.
To gather, process, disseminate information and promote learning and sharing.
To gather, process, disseminate information and promote learning and sharing.
To strengthen the capacity of members’ effective participation in natural resources management
To strengthen the capacity of members’ effective participation in natural resources management
To mobilize resources for environmental conservation and protection in the basin.
To mobilize resources for environmental conservation and protection in the basin.
Latest Publications
TitleSizeHitsDate addedDownload
final fact sheet1.98 MB73807-06-2021 DownloadPreview
LANABLA bronchure242.80 KB51907-06-2021 DownloadPreview